Cotton Yield Monitor
Developed by John Wilkerson, a biosystems engineer with UT AgResearch, the Cotton Yield Monitor is an important advance in precision agriculture.
Precision Farming
Many consider yield information to be the most important part of a site-specific crop management system. In a relatively short period of time, grain yield monitors have become integral tools for many grain producers.
The Milan AgResearch and Education Center is considered a leader in the no-till technology movement. Each year our research saves millions of tons of Tennessee soil from erosion. Soil erosion is not only devastating to farms, but it also pollutes our water, damaging wildlife habitats and contaminating our drinking water supply. Through research, we combat soil erosion by continually improving no-till’s ecological benefits.
Cotton picker used for sensor development and evaluation. Our researchers help advance precision agriculture systems that are implemented at the AgResearch and Education Center at Milan. University of Tennessee scientists utilize our facilities to find Real. Life. Solutions. for Mid-South farmers. Our West Tennessee Agricultural Museum is open weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Milan sunflowers! Food and fiber demand is increasing, but farmland is decreasing. We help grow more with less. Tennessee no-till farming started here, reducing soil erosion and water and air pollution. Planting a cover crop.